Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I am alive but positively crappy. We got a bronze. I had a slight accident going on the morning of the finals involving a lot of boiling water, broken glass and what nots. Without making a lot of frills, let's just say that I feel like crap right now. All I want is to be able to lie down on my tummy because I am a hurt hurt puppy and hurt puppies need to sleep. I will post some photos of us paddling if I get any.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Winner winner chicken dinner

I am back, bitches. I may or may not have also bottled up the wimp, emo genie for the time being which may or may not mean that I won't bother you with emotional overkill for some time now. Yeah yeah, I know what this crap is all about, but you got to realize that lolcatty as I am, even I Has Emotions!!! So, glad that we got that over with. Hrrrmph! Now to business!

This other day we were lolling on the upstairs couches of Remedy and discussing the paintings and stuff that adorn the walls. There was a painting of an angry chicken right across me. Only this was not so simple as an angry chicken. This was an angry, pink- yes, Pink - chicken with boobs and a black egg that substitutes for its wings. Care to explain?! Anyway, it is always a blessing to be with people who have the similar sense of humor and more so when your mind is getting blown by pink, snarky chickens that may or may not have miscarried an egg! And when these same people aka Ramona leaves this crazy painting in my office as a parting gift, I honestly don't know how I am going to handle the daily mindcrack from looking at the Chicken for the rest of my life.

Speaking of my life, I guess you guys should know another factoid which would explain why I am not posting a pic of the said Chicken mindcrack right now. I am doing a major in Housecatting and haven't left the house in two days after my surrogate parents left for Orlando except for a brief errand. Also, I am loathe to change out of my love-logbook pjs and I would appreciate if you guys remember to cremate me in those when I finally keel over. So, thanks for bearing with the shits. I will be back soon with the promised booty!