Sunday, April 22, 2012

A new photographic chapter

For the past few months I was constantly getting frustrated with the limitations of my long zoom point and shoot. It is a real long zoom which ends up being a kg. of glass encased in a flimsy, plasticky body that's so slow in focusing that you would probably want to shoot nothing but stationary objects in full daylight. A real prima donna that almost never delivers. I wanted out. Sure, some moments are never gonna come back so even if the pictures are shitty, we still love them. So, while people seemed to like some of the photos I was never happy with the quality of the images.  I am not a person really as obsessed with sharp images so as to being able to count the facial hairs but I do appreciate some clarity. Also, I am not the pro that can coax excellent shots using a Lego camera but I would sure like to learn how!

I wanted a new camera. However being almost broke did not quite help with that plan until my one of my guardian angels stepped up and pretty much asked me to shut up and take her money.

So I got myself an almost digital rangefinder. The much celebrated cult figure Leica Digilux 2 nonetheless. There is only one person in this world who should be blamed for that madness (and it is a madness since I really really need to finish writing and editing my monster research proposal and all I want to do is to get out on the streets and shoot). That person would be Thorsten Von Overgaard. I read his take on the Digilux 2, wrote to him asking if he thinks it's worth spending my last dimes on, and jumped in. 

Today is the Earth day. It's a nice afternoon that I am going to spend with my edits and my baby chili plants that are frolicking in the sun here... well assuming that plants do frolic in their very slow, invisible-to-human-eyes way.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Barsho Biday

We are ending this year 1418(according to the Bengali calendar) here up north with rain and sleet and general bleakness of nature. Although I am counting my blessings that I could walk around without my snow-boots unlike last year and most years at that. If I had to do a little bookkeeping, the last year has been the best in a long time. True that I spent more time visiting my physiotherapist and acupuncturist than Nymphadora but we had a good time. Signed copies of The Cat's Table, being a part of MENAME in my modest capacity, concert  at the Winspear Centre, my new old Leica camera with which I threaten to do a portraiture of Nymph every so often, and Nymph - the last year has been full of treasures. Looking forward to 1419.