Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Yesterday after posting I got out of Remedy with a decent intention of going home and realized that thousands of people were walking past me towards the river as if in a zombie walk. Only there were no zombies. It was fireworks time for Canada Day! I had spent the July 4th last year in Ormond Beach and saw fireworks that went on for an hour but we were then fooling around in an almost empty beach and the thing was happening in a distance.  But yesterday was a horse of a completely different color. I was at the top of the bridge across the Saskatchewan River and they were booming and bursting right in front, so close that you could reach out and touch one as they kept bursting into lights. Quite nice. After that I walked all the way home with people all around cheering, hooting ,begging for small change and smoke and lolling around in parking lots completely drunk and it felt like the Pujo-crowd in Kolkata. A grad student went home, looked out on Whyte and all those people from her fifth-floor window, ate milk-cereal and dalmut and went to sleep after finishing Bill Bryson's The Lost Continent.


  1. Isn't the last line a bit on the emo side ? :D ...I guess the grad student has quite a ravishing home ...far from the image of dalmut that she is trying to create!!! :P

  2. uh huh, dalmut is the essence of life.. just like emotions..
